A review by hollylash
Firespell by Chloe Neill


I wish I had more to say than MEH but really that's it MEH.

There was a secret society. A girl with powers. Lies surrounding her backstory. The cryptic mentor.The love interest that falls in love and reveals his secret within twenty pages of meeting the heroine. The possible second bad-boy love interest. The cast of misfits all kind-of forgettable except for Scout. (Anyone else think this book would've been better if Scout was the heroine? Anyone?)

I mean, there was nothing wrong with this book. There's nothing that made me angry. But at times I also found myself skimming. I would rather be annoyed than bored and this just bored me because I've seen it all before. Thankfully it was mercifully short but this also meant that none of the characters were given time to develop.

And, seriously, what was with the brat pack and Lesley? At first, I thought they were part of the mystery but turns out they were just students thrown in. In the beginning though, they're given screen time (page-time, whatevs) so you assume they're important and in the end they're...not. We barely see the other Adepts beside Michael and Jordan and they aren't given much outside of being love interests.

I'm interested so I may or may not read the second book.