A review by shelf_inspiration
Dear Child by Romy Hausmann



"What a gruesome miracle life is."- Dear Child.

REVIEW: Thank you to NetGalley, Flatiron Books, and Romy Hausmann for proving me with an Advanced Reader's Copy of "Dear Child" in exchange for an honest review! This book follows Lena and her children's story as they are captured and held to strict rules by their father. Every part of their day is determined by strict rules regarding eating, sleeping, and even set times where they are allowed to use the bathroom. However, one day Lena manages to escape, but she isn't able to avoid the nightmare for long.

This book was a wild ride. I read a lot of thrillers, and *usually* I am able to guess some twists or aspects of the story, however, I was not able to guess a single twist in this book. That in itself is amazing. The twists were done so well and really enhanced the plot of the book. I also liked how this book followed two different timelines: the past where Lena was held captive, and the future where Lena is able to escape. This back-and-forth adds to the mystery of the book, as the reader is kept in the dark about what all the characters know. This was definitely a page-turner and a well thought out thriller! I am rating this book 4.5 stars overall, but have rounded it down to four stars for review purposes. Overall, I would recommend this book to others who love thrillers or mystery novels, or those who enjoyed the book/ film "Room". The. I would also recommend going into this book as blind as possible so that you are able to enjoy all the dark twists and turns.

"Sometimes there simply isn't a reason...Sometimes two people cross paths in a most unfortunate way and all you can do is accept this and somehow carry on."- Dear Child.

SYNOPSIS: In a windowless shack in the woods, Lena's life and that of her two children follows the rules set by their captor, the father: Meals, bathroom visits, study time are strictly scheduled and meticulously observed. He protects his family from the dangers lurking in the outside world and makes sure that his children will always have a mother to look after them.

One day Lena manages to flee--but the nightmare continues. It seems as if her tormentor wants to get back what belongs to him. And then there is the question whether she really is the woman called "Lena," who disappeared without a trace 14 years ago. The police and Lena's family are all desperately trying to piece together a puzzle which doesn't quite seem to fit.