A review by adelaidemetzger_robotprophet
Deadpool Classic, Vol. 7 by Jimmy Palmiotti, Paul Chadwick, Buddy Scalera


Well, ever since Joe Kelly stopped writing the Wade Wilson character in Volume 5, Deadpool has taken on a lot of different characteristics like being overly comedic and hyperactive (volume 6) and in this volume he's hardly funny at all. Don't get me wrong, I love the more serious tone this volume had to offer--it made me want to know more of Wade's character. This is a good thing. Wade Wilson has always been seen as the super you could laugh at, and for the first time since that incident in volume 4, we are seeing a completely human side of this individual. Four out of five stars only because I'm still thinking about how I completely feel about it (in one month I'll say it's the best comic yet). Oh, and for all you girls who are still reading just to see if Deadpool has intimate feelings for Siren, this volume involves a bit of a car crash emotions for our favorite Merc-With-A-Mouth.