A review by ashantonio
One Hundred Names, by Cecelia Ahern


One Hundred Names by Cecelia Ahern
My all time fave author—never disappoints. There’s a reason why I always buy Ahern’s novels without reading the plot. I always know that i’m in for a treat.

Now, takeaway of the story: Just like Kitty (protagonist) we are always in search for the interesting things to talk or write about. We can lose excitement from the mundane things in life and feel that our lives could bore other people. That if we lose the things that makes US unique and interesting, nobody will give a bat of an eye to our direction.

But all of our stories are worth sharing, that we are ought to be heard, WE are the story—no need for drama, underlying secrets or other complicated stuff to make someone interesting. Sometimes, we just need someone to really look at us, to listen to our stories, to understand where we’re coming from and to see the beauty that we cannot see for ourselves