A review by rei_terblanche
Paul: A Biography by N.T. Wright


N.T. Wright is regarded as one of THE leading experts on the New Testament today, especially its historical context. Who better to write a biography on the Apostle Paul? Probably nobody!

I am absolutely crazy about N.T. Wright's writings and lectures. He interprets and expounds the New Testament with such clarity and breadth of insight. He is also a spokesperson for the "New heavens and earth" eschatology (as he calls it) that places emphasis on God's promise to renew all of creation and once more unite heaven (God's domain) and earth (man's domain) for all eternity. I mention this because Tom Wright expertly shows how this really was Paul's vision of God's plan - revealed in the Scriptures and fulfilled in the Messiah Jesus.

Wright takes the reader on one helluva journey from Paul's early life as a devout Jew and Pharisee, to his world altering encounter with the resurrected Jesus (becoming a devout Messiah-man) on the Damascus road, to his letters, imprisonments and final days before his death. All throughout the book the reader is invited to jump over oceans and cross geographical/cultural borders with Paul (at lightning speed). While at the same time, required to keep up with the theological, eschatological and ecclesiastical implications of Jesus's death as observed in Paul's letters. I honestly found it hard to keep up at times, and needed my Bible close at hand in order to TRY and follow Wright's train of thought! Having said that, the footnotes, maps, and timelines in the book are very helpful!

By far my favourite aspect of this book was how vividly Wright managed to bring the apostle Paul to life as a human being in all of his complexity. Paul was zealous, blisteringly intelligent, loyal, passionate... and yet, vulnerable, emotional, affectionate and at times depressed. N.T. Wright brings Paul to life in this book! A must read! (One day I might even dare to attempt it again).

"An enthralling journey into the mind of Paul by one of the great theologians of our time, a work ful of insight, depth and generosity of understanding" - Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks