A review by captwinghead
Captain America: Marvel Knights, Vol. 1: The New Deal by John Ney Rieber


This was just fine.

The artwork wasn’t my favorite. There are a few marvel comics around this time that have similar art. It just feels very static and doesn’t have the same excitement I get from other artwork.

The storyline was surprisingly progressive for the time. This is a year after 9/11 and we have stories where Cap is protecting Muslim Americans from hate crimes. The message is “do not punish an entire people for the actions of terrorists”. It’s a great message and one I’m surprised marvel allowed but, it’s only recently that marvel has been completely chicken when it comes to their writers saying anything political (you know, unless you want to turn captain America into a fucking Nazi).

So, it was surprisingly refreshing. An interesting note: if I read this right, this comic actually takes responsibility for the civilians harmed during WWII? That’s interesting.

But ultimately, this didn’t do nearly as much for me as some other Cap comics have. I do give credit for taking what was probably a controversial stance at the time.