A review by staceylynn42
The Designs of Lord Randolph Cavanaugh by Stephanie Laurens


I read everything that Stephanie Laurens writes. I love the Cynsters & their kin, but she does occasionally produce some clunkers. This one isn't a full on clunker, the way The Masterful Mister Montague was was or the Adventurers Quartet in general were, but it does fall a bit flat.
The mystery part of the story was good. Will they figure out who is trying to sabotage the steam engine? Will they be able to stop him? I enjoyed the 'troublemaker' who turned out not to be that bad after all.
The problem is, I liked him more than Rand. Rand was okay, a perfectly nice guy, not one of her over protective alpha types who occasionally go over the top for my tastes. He was caring, concerned, not lost in the whole "a man like me can never admit love" BS that irritates me if it goes on too long (looking at you, Devil). But he was kind of flat. I didn't really feel his attraction to Felicity was driven by more than she was there at the time & it was convenient for the plot.
Felicity was a decent heroine. She was smart, strong and self-assured. She faced her demons without a lot of dithering. But she too was a bit flat. Her attraction to Rand also seemed to be along the lines of "Oh here's a man I've never met, which is something of a novelty where I live, I should find him attractive."
Overall I liked it well enough but it didn't have much spark.