A review by theowlsnestbooks
First Term by Rachel Jonas


Tingles ! This book gave me tingles !! From start to
Finish I was completely sucked in noelle is an amazing FMC and she is badass smart and all around perfect !! I also love how she doesn’t .. how do I say this ... be stupid ... she knows when she needs to listen to someone she doesn’t put herself in danger just for fun these things have ruined books for me, she is the ideal FMC and I can’t wait to read more of her and the omegas well what can I say about them but instant love for them they all have these different personalities that you love even ori and his attitude !! This is like a bully without the bullying... they don’t instantly get along which is fun but things turn around it’s not instant love cause well that’s not real there is an attraction but it’s not Instant they get to know each other a find out what they like which makes this an amazing book !! So I won’t put any more spoilers these are spoiling enough but all I need to say is this was a 5 star read from a 5 star author who always leaves us feeling like we made some friends every time we read her books and this book was no different !! The cliffhanger was hard but it was so good I will anxiously await the next book!!! Must read!!