A review by rouver
Wonder Woman by Greg Rucka, Vol. 1 by Greg Rucka


I guess it makes sense that a comic book that is centered around an established female comic book hero would actually be about her, but I've disappointed in the past. Comics that are supposed to feature a female superhero so often end up being all about the male characters instead. It helps that Wonder Woman has her own expansive backstory to draw upon, rather than trying to pull out a supporting character and try to make her shine on her own. The first story sets up Wonder Woman to defend a young woman against the cudgel-like justice of Batman. The Fates love to set up stories of betrayal and tragedy, and Batman is the perfect single-minded patsy to play the role set out for him. (Man, I'm really starting to hate Batman.) The rest of the book centers around a successful woman who is trying to bring down Wonder Woman in the public arena with a smear campaign. Her motivations are a bit weak: she's jealous that Wonder Woman was born into privilege & power, whereas she had to rely upon hard work and motivation to reach her dreams. The gods, as always, are petty and manipulative...and easily manipulated...and jealousy among that incestuous group never turns out well for the mortals.

There were a lot of butt shots of Wonder Woman, which seemed overly gratuitous (do we ever just see the ass of male super heroes? Has a study been done?). And any mom that's had to spend her day bent over chasing toddlers will tell you that if you try to wear something like this, your boobies will fall out. I guess besides the Lasso of Truth, Wonder Woman got a Bra of Holding.