A review by littlemisscass
Smitten by the Brit by Melonie Johnson


A duke who needs to marry an heiress to save his family falls in love with someone unsuitable? Sign me up.

Melonie Johnson writes good, well-rounded characters and this book is great, but the beginnings of her romances just make me cringe. Definitely may work for another reader, but this is the second of Johnson’s books where the early romance (prose and dialogue) just seemed really forced to me. I don’t understand it, because everything else works well. I managed to power through, it got a lot less cringe-worthy and I actively started enjoying it.

I may be a very picky reader when it comes to details but I’ve travelled from London to Cambridge and back and meeting someone at Charing Cross is not the easiest or fastest way to get to Piccadilly. I’ve spent a total of nine days in London in my life and even I immediately questioned that detail.

Cute premise, enjoyable story.

*An ARC of this book was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.