A review by under_the_aurora_borealis
In the Jaded Grove, by Anela Deen


After a tragic accident befalls her family, Jessa is overcome by lose and despair.
Simith is a pixie, forced into fighting a war but hoping for peace.
When Simith is set upon by fairies disguised as trolls, he escapes through a portal into a non-magical human realm. Here he stumbles across Jessa, where their unexpected meeting results in them being inadvertently bound together.
Unbeknownst to them, Simith soon returns to his world to help bring about peace but soon realizes things are not what they seem. Jessa upon learning of the bond must journey to Simith’s world to warn him.

Filled with magic, war, hurt and healing, In the Jaded Grove is a wonderfully engrossing narrative full of unexpected twist and turns. With a variety of world settings, which in some books can be poorly invested in, everything in this book is so well developed that the places are vividly imagined by the reader. Combine this with wonderful main characters and intriguing side characters and you can see why people easily fall in love with this book.

I was pleasantly surprised by just how much I loved this book and highly recommend it for anyone with a love for fantasy.

I received an eARC by BookSirens in exchange for a honest review.