A review by harleeliz
A Symphony of Stars by Barbara Kloss


The Symphony of Stars by Barbara Kloss was a wonderfully thrilling conclusion to the series. If you love a well thought out fantasy with that little hint of romance that adds to plot instead of taking away I highly recommend. Kloss did a wonderful job of weaving the stories of all the wonderful characters in the book. Every character got the necessary amount of attention and each had their stories come full circle which was great to see. Jeric and Imari were wonderful as always and the connection between them in this book was lovely, they also each had more growth in their characters which was great. The book was well paced and kept me engaged throughout, and some characters that seemed more as support characters started to take more shape and develop more fully which I love to see. There were some sad moments but there were also parts that made me chuckle {especially Braddock.} This epic crescendo in the trilogy will resonate for a while. I was very pleased with the ending, and I am now a little sad that it’s over. I’ve been with the series since the beginning and have had to wait for each book, and they were always worth the wait.