A review by samantha_89
Afterworlds by Scott Westerfeld


My take away from this is that Scott Westerfeld had the idea for Afterworlds (the novel in the story) but couldn't flesh it out enough to write a full novel so he went totally meta with it. I love the idea and I really enjoyed how Darcy (the author) speaking about her novel allowed us to see all the changes that can happen to a novel from beginning to publication. I liked Afterworlds (the novel in the story) but due to it sharing the stage with Darcy's story it felt like there was something lacking. As if Darcy had to take away some detail from Afterworlds (the novel...) in order to exist. I found Darcy to be incrediably irritating. I loved Scott Westerfeld several years back and never found too much irritation in his characters. Perhaps because I was the same age as them. Now, being several years older than the main character I just found her luck and naivete to be annoying. Like, the apartment doesn't fit in your budget. Who cares if it has good writer vibes; you can't afford it! I don't particularly like when I can see a character making stupid mistakes from the get-go. Three stars for the novel within the novel. If it had just been Darcy's story I wouldn't have finished this.