A review by dumpylittleunicorn
Starborn by Lucy Hounsom


What can I say? I really loved this book.  Kyndra is a fantastic character and I was rooting for her from the beginning.  

In the opening chapters I thought, here we go again a chosen one. One girl in all the world but Lucy Hounsom consistently subverted by expectations and I was delighted with the choices she made as an author.

Hounsom has created a fantasy world that feels fresh and different, I love the magic system where those with power are either governed by the sun or moon. Sometimes the characters felt a little remote and sometimes it felt a bit weird to move from the view of one character to another within the same chapter but overall. The story wins out and I want to know what happens next.

Such a lot happens, towards the end I was beginning to get frustrated with Kyndra because how could she not have guessed at things because I had been shouting at her for some time.

Its a good job I already have the sequel and the concluding part to the trilogy is out this week. Must find out what happens next.