A review by pages_and_procrastination
Dead on Delivery by Eileen Rendahl



This is the second book in the Messenger series. And the way that I am currently doing reviews, there is a chance that I never reviewed the first one or that it will be posted after this, so for what it is worth- Sorry. 
I know that sometimes the second book in a. series/trilogy is not as strong as the first book, but in this case I think the second book was a bit stronger than the first one. But there was also a message-y undertone with this one. While it's obvious because Melina always talks about it, she is struggling to accept who and what she is. Which for her sucks because everything is changing, her status quo has been disrupted and it doesn't seem to be stopping any time soon. But, she is not the only one who is struggling with what they are. Alex- the vampire- is also struggling. 
This case is a bit easier to solve because Melina is more willing to call in her resources - her friends. And she is more willing to collaborate and brainstorm with them, much more so than she was in the first book. And while she does bring in a certain set of skill sets, all of her friends that she has surrounded herself with has something unique to offer. It is so much easier for them to see them as a team then it is for Melina to see it. 
I really like Melina, she is sarcastic and capable. But what really brings the books together is her friends snf who yrhy all come together to solve whatever magical wonky mysteries that she finds herself in. I am definitely looking forward to the next - and final- book in the series.