A review by b_morganbooks
The Moon Sister by Lucinda Riley


This series is just so consistently good. I’ve absolutely loved every book and this one was no exception. I love how long they are because they don’t feel as though they’re dragged out, it just gives me chance to get fully immersed in both the past and present timelines.

At the start of the book, I couldn’t work out which characters to trust and it wasn’t obvious to me who the love interest was going to be. This helped to keep me fully engaged as I was eager to find out. 

As usual, the setting was described beautifully and I found it easy to picture the area of Scotland and Spain. The story of Tiggy’s relatives was heartbreaking, maybe even the saddest in the series so far but we all know I love an emotional book. I’m so looking forward to reading Electra’s book, but I don’t think I’ll ever be ready for this series to be over.