A review by clare_39
Embrace the Darkness by Ashley N. Rostek


4.5 ⭐s rounded up

I tend to stay away from mafia books because of the whole misogyny, damsel in distress, and girl must be a virgin thing. However, every blue moon I'm lucky enough to stumble upon a mafia romance that goes against the norm.
This is my second ever mafia romance book with a dominant female boss and I FREAKING LOVED IT!!!! (my first was [b:Ruthless People|21839603|Ruthless People (Ruthless People, #1)|J.J. McAvoy|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1396504157l/21839603._SY75_.jpg|41106601] which I absolutely adored)
Maura is everything that I love in a dominant female. She is badass, ruthless, a little psycho (ok maybe more than a little), strong, and best of all, she does not fall all over herself over a man - or worse switch into a submissive role when the men show up or raise their voices.

Ps. There was some confusing information in the first 2/3 chapters but other than that... This was *chef's kiss*. Can't wait to get into book 2 and fingers crossed that it doesn't disappoint