A review by melodicfate
True Connection by Rachel Walter


*I received an ARC in exchange for my honest review.*

Upon finding out that this was a paranormal Young Adult novel without a love triangle, I was definitely interested. Love triangles aren't something I normally like as a reader, and it keeps me away from a lot of Young Adult. This book promised a soulmate, thereby meaning a relationship with only one guy. It also promised supernatural things and immortals, and of course I love those. When I read this story, I found an interesting tale about family, friends, and love of all kinds.

The main character was Jazzy. I liked her, because she was sassy, and did her best to not let people talk down to her. Although she was rebellious, she was smart, and I loved how she didn't just run off on her own to save the day when she thought she was right, like so many book heroines do. Jazzy was also a great music lover, and I found that that helped me to relate to her. I loved the fact that she painted, and had dreams and goals. All of this combined into an interesting character, whom I didn't mind following throughout this story.

Her love interest was Seth. I liked him, because he was sweet, and knew how to help Jazzy. he was there for her whenever Jazzy needed him, and I loved how supportive of her he always was. However, I didn't feel like we really got to know him. Also, their relationship progressed from like to love fairly quickly. I understand that they were soul mates and their love wasn't instantaneous since they acknowledged that they didn't really know each other, but it didn't take long for both of them to say they loved one another. Also, Jazzy freaked out at random times over how they'd be together forever, and I thought that was weird, considering the depths of their feelings. Other than that, I really liked these two being together, and I definitely think they helped each other be the best people they could be.

This story had a lot of side characters, and sometimes it was hard to remember who was who. The most important ones were very memorable, though. There was Jazzy's brother Henry, whom I liked because I could definitely see how much he cared for her. But then, there were lots of times when I thought he was way too overprotective. There was one instance in the novel where someone mentioned Henry letting Jazzy date, and that didn't sit well with me. How was it fair that he was so overprotective of Jazzy, but he hid his dating from her? This was the case with Henry's friend Barry, as well. Even though I liked him for his serious and playful side, I also thought he was way too overprotective of Jazzy, even if he did come to see her as a sister. Then, there was Jazzy's best friend Skeeter. I thought she was a good friend, but later on in the story, she overreacts to some things, and it was a bit ridiculous.

With all that said, I thought the plot was interesting. I really liked all the supernatural elements woven into the book, and thought that they were done really well. Jazzy met Seth and became his soulmate, thereby finding out that some supernaturals were real. Then, she unknowingly angered one of them, and began to be under attack. Therefore, this book was all about Jazzy meting and falling in love with Seth, and exploring their relationship while being protected and learning to defend herself from her attacker. I found it an interesting read, and I definitely got more into it the closer the ending came, since that's where a lot of the action scenes were.

Overall, I did like this book. It was an interesting paranormal Young Adult, with some intriguing characters. My problems with this book had to do with some of the characterization, and a couple things that happened in the story like the swiftness with which Seth and Jazzy announced their love for one another. I also had a problem with how quickly Jazzy's mom's situation changed, but to say too much about that would be a spoiler. There was also an odd POV switch at the very end, but I think that that was to help introduce the next book. Either way, I still did enjoy reading it, and finished fairly quickly. Anyone who likes paranormal YA should at least give it a chance, if only to follow the functional relationship between Seth and Jazzy, but I loved the themes of family sticking together, and doing whatever you can for your friends and loved ones.