A review by haunted_air
Doctor Who: Invaders from Mars by Mark Gatiss


The idea behind this is so good, a Doctor Who adventure during the War of the Worlds broadcast, sign me up. Actually listening to it wasn't as great sadly. Too many interchangeable side characters who take space away from 8 and Charley, separating the two of them so less there's less banter, Charley not getting anything interesting to do after that and the repeated sound effect was annoying. The Doctor had excellent moments though. There are also fake American accents but they're supposed to be over the top so it's more palatable than [b:Doctor Who: Minuet in Hell|1068364|Doctor Who Minuet in Hell|Gary Russell|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1348099137l/1068364._SX50_.jpg|1055027].