A review by inwonderland49
The Loose Ends List by Carrie Firestone


This review was originally posted on In Wonderland

My Thoughts

I really enjoyed THE LOOSE ENDS LIST! I thought it was creative and realistic and just so darn cute! The first couple chapters I was a little skeptical because of the main character, Maddie. She acted a little too entitled for her own good. But she definitely made up for that by the end!

The concept of a "death with dignity" cruise ship is just flat out hysterical and brilliant at the same time. I don't know if these actually exist, but it does sound super interesting! I loved meeting all the characters aboard the cruise ship. Even if I did feel a little overwhelmed with the large cast of characters at times.

My favorite part of the whole story was Gram. She was flat out funny and I fell in love with her at the very beginning.

Gram thinks Dad is a weird, socially awkward freeloader and that Mom ended up with him because she has the emotional fortitude of a newborn panda. She's kind of right.

"What the hell is ass play?" Gram says. "In my day, ass play was when your husband goosed you in the elevator."

As for the romance between Maddie and Enzo, I felt it was just okay. While I loved Enzo, I just felt like they were instalove. And their romance is sweet and all, I just wish that it didn't feel so instalove-y.

All-in-all, I thought that this was a great summer read and will really hit home with a lot of people. But do expect to shed some tears by the end, you have been warned.