A review by bodebeabay
Cold Fear by Toni Anderson


[b:Cold Fear|24788406|Cold Fear (Cold Justice, #4)|Toni Anderson|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1427030130l/24788406._SX50_.jpg|44422137] by [a:Toni Anderson|2820461|Toni Anderson|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1542643749p2/2820461.jpg]
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Crime, Mystery, Romance, Suspense
4.5 Stars

The loss of star points was from the pace in the romance department and repetitive thoughts of both mc's. The repetitive thoughts weren't numerous, but they happened enough times to irritate me. I hate repetition of any kind and I will admit I am sensitive to it.

I loved both mc's. Both Frazer and Izzy were strong personalities and highly intelligent. They both had flaws, secrets and huge responsibilities.

The attraction was instant, but they both ignored it. Fought it at every step. The build-up to their 'Wowzer' moment was a slow burn. I started to think it wasn't going to happen when they finally capitulated. It was well worth the wait. Hot and steamy love scenes commenced and they were just shy of what some would describe as erotica. Ms. Anderson even managed to add a touch of humor in their intimate scenes. She also used the scenes to connect the characters and readers alike.
Well Done!

The suspense, mystery, and crime aspects were spot on. You even got the serial killer's pov in small doses. Talk about creepy!

The investigation was well written. Everything moved in a mostly realistic method. Although there were some things with procedure etc. that were stretched. These areas added to the story's intensity, the personality of the characters and the world build.

I am so glad I didn't give up on this series. I almost did after book #3. This one has completely redeemed my faith in the author and I plan on continuing this series for a long time to come.