A review by jackiijackii
I Still Believe Anita Hill by Cindy Greenberg, Cynthia Greenberg, Jamia Wilson, Amy Richards


It was hard to read this collection in 2020, when it was published in 2011 and expresses the hope that after 20 years, everyone can finally understand how screwed up it was that Thomas was appointed to the SC even after hearing about how he treated Anita Hill... "This happened and now we know better and hopefully we can make sure it doesn't happen again," and then, Kavanaugh. That isn't the book's fault. The collection of essays and poems and recollections is a comprehensive and multifaceted look at the impact of Professor Hill's decision to testify, and how she got there, and it's an important read. But the hope that we could prevent it from happening again, oof, yeah, that hurts my heart today.