A review by stacey987
The Rose Labyrinth by Titania Hardie


I really struggled with how many stars to give this book. There was some aspects to it that I really enjoyed, I love a good historical quest with a bit of romance thrown in for good measure. However, there were some parts that I just really felt did nothing for the story and if anything made it more difficult to follow. I felt that the clues of the quest became far far too complicated and involved far too many long winded explanations that were really difficult to follow. I appreciate that if it was too simple then I would be questioning how it managed to stay a secret for hundreds of years, but I really feel that the whole thing just became a jumble of clues and riddles. I'm not even quite sure how they ended up solving everything! However, this may have been affected by the fact that I mostly read at night when quite tired and often fall asleep reading which probably didn't help me keep everything straight, and overall I did enjoy reading it and looked forward to picking it back up again every night which is why I gave it 3 stars instead of 2.