A review by steph1rothwell
Deep Dark Night by Steph Broadribb


With thanks to the author for the copy received. After the events in the preceding book, Deep Dirty Truth I couldn’t wait to read this follow up. It would help if you knew what happened there but you could still enjoy this book by reading it as a stand-alone.

From the opening chapters Lori is in danger despite J.T’s attempts to keep her safe. He has health issues however and they do slow him down. But she is more than capable of looking after herself. Apart from having to learn poker.

I have to admit that this is a game I know absolutely nothing about. I was a little concerned it would impact on my enjoyment of the novel but it only covers a couple of chapters. And those chapters were easy to follow, I just smiled at Lori’s methods at convincing the experts she knew what she was doing.

When the game came to an abrupt halt the tension increased dramatically. Because it is very short chapters which switch constantly between Lori and J.T’s predicament I struggled to put the book down. Each time one narrative ended I was desperate to find out what happened next. The author certainly knows how to keep a reader hooked. I liked both accounts equally but really appreciated getting to know more about J.T.

It is a long time since I have felt so on edge reading a book. Wondering what would happen next and to whom. Wondering who was somebody who could be trusted and who fit the description by the unknown electronic voice. And definitely who would be Herron.

This has been my favourite book in the series, I hope we don’t have to wait too long to see what will happen next to Lori and J.T.