A review by mjmoore
Lost Souls by Seth Patrick


It’s always difficult to review a sequel. In most cases it’s going to be read only by those who have read the initial book, so a review needs to be for those people too. I’ve previously reviewed The Reviver, and it’s remained one of my favourite reads. If you’ve already read it, and are wondering whether to read Lost Souls, my short answer is yes, you most certainly should. As I said in my review, I felt that The Reviver started more as a crime / thriller, with the supernatural aspect developing towards the end. In Lost Souls, that supernatural aspect is far more towards the forefront – and it works brilliantly.

For me, the main issue I have with a sequel is whether I can pick it up, a year after the first book, and get straight into it. I simply don’t have time for re-reading, and many good books have simply lost me early on in book two. Seth seems to have the balance just right here – he doesn’t spend ages going over the events of The Reviver, but there’s just enough to spark memories, and remind you what went before.

This is an ongoing story, and yet there’s no cliff hanger into the third book – and Seth has told me on twitter that yes, there will a third, and final book. Jonah is still the central character, and I’m glad Never plays a large part. He has to be one of my all time favourite characters – and some of his comments made me laugh, in the middle of a rather dark book!

I will go as far as to say that I found this a better book than the first. The Reviver spends some time laying the groundwork of reviving, and it’s place.. and the darker, scarier aspects come to the fore in this sequel. I’m so pleased it’s there’s a third book to come, but knowing how hard Seth can be on his characters, and he’s stated it’s the final book, I’m quite anxious about it!

Both The Reviver and Lost Souls are available now, and are highly recommended.. and you can wait alongside me for the final instalment!