A review by isabellesbooks
Kidding: Childlike Solutions to Bullsh*t Adult Problems by Laura Jane Williams


Unfortunately, I didn’t like this one as much as I wanted to. I am also a nanny and I know for a fact that kids have so much to teach us. Each chapter contains a lesson the author has learned from the kids she has nannied and how we can apply them to our own adult lives. The actual lessons themselves are great (for example- kids don’t care what anybody else thinks of them and they always say what they think!), but I found each chapter dragging on, even though they we rather short. As soon as each chapter was done talking about the actual kids, I found myself bored and listening to rambles...other reviewers were right when they said it was evident the author thinks she is a lot more funny than she is. And she is always talking about sex. I felt almost as though I was reading two separate books at once. This wasn’t my cup of tea, but if you are going for a lighthearted self-help book with some humor thrown in, I’d recommend it.