A review by book_hoarding_dragon
Hexed by Allyson James, Ilona Andrews, Yasmine Galenorn


I bought this book primarily for Ilona Andrews story of Jim and Dali. The main plot of this story is when an office of the Pack doesn't check in. Jim goes to investigate hinkiness happens and he goes to Dali for help. Everyone will remember Dali from Magic Strikes. I thoroughly enjoyed this story, (especially Dali and her Indonesian mother. "He speaks Indonesian?! Why didn't you tell me!?" HA HA HA).

The five stars are for the Andrews, The other stories I wasn't a fan of. I've read Allyson James before and am not a real fan. Whereas Yasmine Galenorn and Jeanne Stein stories are set in their series. I think I would have liked their stories more if I had read their series or if there was more background done. Mostly, I felt very confused as to the other characters or Stein's chracter Anna.