A review by kmdegarmo
The Lightning Thief, by Rick Riordan


Definitely one of my favorite books. I love how sarcastic and funny Percy is and how he seems like a round character—you see him happy, sad, and mad. It may be a kids’ book but I think it’s perfect for anyone looking for a good story. I also liked that although Annabeth didn’t like Percy once she found out that he was Poseidon’s son, because Athen and Poseidon didn’t get along, once Percy saved her from the mechanical spiders from Hephaestus’ trap, Annabeth liked him for who he was not who his father was. I feel like people shouldn’t judge others on who they’re related to or associated with (although sometimes who you associate with shows who you truly are) but on their actions. Also I liked Grover and I know his search for Pan is the main conflict in book 2, but I don’t remember how it ends. I’m not going to be able to read the second book any time soon, but maybe when I have time I’ll come back and re-read this series. Maybe even read the Jason series too.