A review by crystaldg7
The Wolf in the Whale by Jordanna Max Brodsky


The miss gendering, transphobia, and misogyny for the sake of having internalized patriarchal norms in a person whom lived in the far north around 1000 AD really did not sit well with me. Also what is the point in having physical violence done to the characters if they were just going to get over it so quickly? The author handled trauma terribly. Also the mixture of Inuit and Norse myths/gods and their place in this story was just awkward at best. I was excite for a Northern Canadian natives and Vikings tale but I found that the characters were very hard to like. One character puts down women however also refers to themself as a women at serval points in the narrative. The other main character (spoiler) is a serial rapist. Honestly I found myself rolling my eyes more then once while reading. This story had so much potential, why tell it like this? Why