A review by carlyroth10
All We Ever Wanted by Emily Giffin


I have had a hell of an "I hate men" week! After watching the beauty that is the movie Barbie and now reading this book, I really question their existence. But I suppose they are pretty to look at, so I won't pray on the entire species' downfall.

God, [b:All We Ever Wanted|36344555|All We Ever Wanted|Emily Giffin|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1512578976l/36344555._SY75_.jpg|58025501] is such a unique perspective of a story that has been told many times and in many formats, yet many never talk about the mom who raised the abuser. I was fascinated by Nina's storyline - while still loving Tom and Lyla's POV too - and could feel the emotional turmoil from the decision she was having to make. I wish I got a little more in depth with Nina's feelings even if that meant sacrificing more time with Tom and Lyla or just simply making the book longer. I also will complain about the lack of satisfaction from the ending.
Spoiler It would have been fine had Finch just stayed out of the picture having gotten away with it, but him showing up to the award show and giving another (in my opinion) half-assed apology, just angered me and overshadowed the bittersweet, "happy-ending" the ending could of had. And you know me, I am a SUCKER for a sad ending, but not a dissatisfying one that I don't think was intended to be sad in the first place.

Anyways, as I said, a great follow-up to Barbie , and now I feel like I need to read a book about an unrealistic man of my dreams written by and for a woman.