A review by razzamatazzberry
Antidote by R.A. Steffan

Did not finish book. Stopped at 16%.
There was a trifecta of things that made me stop around fifteen percent in the book. 

1. Skye made a really stupid decision without considering it, without the narrator giving reasons for why she would do that. 

Fine, i thought, maybe she'll redeam herself, and continued. 

2 and 3 happened within a sentence of each other. When Skye asks if Hunter will rape her, he answers "I prefer my sex partners to be begging before I take them, little sparrow." This does not actually say that he won't rape her, it is attempting a flirtation when she is afraid of being raped, and it uses a nickname that is completely unfounded. 

Collectively this made me go "gross" and i stopped reading.