A review by anne_abundantcolors
A Snake Falls to Earth by Darcie Little Badger


This is an interesting book.

I was more interested in Nina's story than in Oli's. The fact that some characters are asexual completely passed me over-I learned that from other reviewers. I just thought it was a friendship, family, and adventure story more than anything else. I think this book is truly for all ages. Kids ages 9 or 10+ may enjoy it as would adults.

I liked that it gave me a window into another culture and world.

It is a slow-paced book, except for the dramatic ending-perhaps last 70ish pages. I didn't want to put it down then!

I do agree that some parts were wrapped up a little too neatly and I'm a little disappointed not to have learned more about the creature in the well. What was that creature?

Thank you, Darcie Little Badger, for a unique and good story.