A review by thebookwormscorner
In Your Face: The Culture of Beauty and You by Shari Graydon

informative reflective fast-paced


'In Your Face' is a fantastic look into the beauty world. The positives, the negatives, and the controversies behind it. For years the beauty industry has been changing, with standards that are beyond impossible to reach. Many young women are sucked into websites that promote women with surgically enhanced bodies and making it seem like it's a obtainable goal, when it reality it's all fake.
I really loved how the author broke everything down, from the different decades, different fashion, with colorful graphics and illustrations. The author didn't sound bias to me, if anything she made you think, she broke everything down for you, and fed you facts. I think that's something admirable about this book. I believe any girl/young lady/woman who picks up this book will go into reading this with an actual eye opening experience