A review by dianareadsalot
Fake, Volume 1 by Sanami Matoh


This is hard for me to rate.
There were things I liked & disliked about this volume.

I'm relatively new to manga, so I'm not sure if what I didn't like is just because something was lost in translation or because it was truly written with that intent.

What I liked:
I thought the action was good. I liked the snarkyness among the characters. The pacing was fine.

What I didn't like:
I did not like the lack of Dee asking for or getting consent. Dee has literally attacked Ryo without his consent several times. Then he stays at Ryos' house to take care of him. It's mind fucking in my opinion. It's seems to me Ryo thought he was straight, and Dee, who identifies as bisexual, is having Dee force himself on him. Each time Dee forces a kiss on Ryo, it seems like it is confusing him. I'm a fan of consent & there has been zero consent. Also, I would have liked for Ryo to put a stop to it. Ryo could have asked for a transfer. Um, hello, HR issue right there. However, if Ryo was going to have a bisexual awakening, there are many ways that could have happened that included consent instead of what occurred.

Another thing I didn't like was the homophobic actions of Bikky. While he might have internalized homophobia and might be gay or bi himself, he is mean. He says and does things to two boys at camp, which is what I believe constitutes a hate crime as he was violent. He even talks about getting rid of the evil from those two boys. Implying that being gay is evil.

Oh, how could I forget when Carol tells Dee that she isn't interested in him anymore & she doesn't want to date him when she's 18. And what does Dee do? He freaks out like he's been abandoned or something. Yes, you heard me. You have an adult NYC cop practically throwing a temper tantrum, wondering who could be a better catch than him. Wtf???

Am I missing something? Did something get lost in translation?

I'm on the fence with reading the next volume. Either they correct their ways, and Dee explains (no explanation would be valid in my opinion) and starts asking for consent, and Bikky stops being a homophobe. Or Dee continues to take when he should ask, and Ryo falls for Dee. I think something serious would have to happen for the power imbalance to be corrected.