A review by paddlefoot55
Dirty Rich Obsession: All Mine by Lisa Renee Jones


ARC received for an honest review

Welcome back to Lisa's world of corporate high flyers, dirty deals and even dirtier relationships.

Reid and Carrie's relationship is full of sexual tension and lust and hatred. We pick up right where their first book ended, with a proposal.

There was so much happening at the end of the first book, so I knew that we were going to be hitting the ground running with this one.

It did take me a little while to get into this one - this is probably me and a dose of end of year blogger burnout, or if there was a bit too much going on and I just wasn't keeping up well? However I got over that pretty quickly.

I liked that yes, though there were things going on around Reid and Carrie and business, they didn't let that break them. I loved how much stronger Carrie seemed to be in this installment.

I love seeing more of Cat and Reese and Gabe in this book, and I hope to see more of them all again soon.

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