A review by bexbookrex
Daddy's Demands by Renee Rose, Sassa Daniels, Katherine Deane, Isabella Laase, Maddie Taylor, Measha Stone, Lee Savino, Kara Kelley, Kelly Dawson, J.L. Beck, Loki Renard, Amelia Smarts, Shelly Douglas, Mary Wehr, Madison Faye, Alexis Alvarez, Maggie Ryan, Rory Reynolds, Marlee Wray, Zoe Blake, Sara Fields, Meredith O'Reilly, Morganna Williams, Jane Henry, Alta Hensley


Awesome collection!

Several of my favorite authors had contributed to this collection so I decided to read the whole thing and see if any of the other authors caught my fancy. Truthfully, there wasn't one story that I didn't enjoy at least a little bit and I found 6 new (to me) writers that I will definitely be reading more of in the future!