A review by rachelsb00kreviews
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen


Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
Read/Listened: February 1 - 3 (Book Review Page: https://www.facebook.com/rewbookreviews OR Insta: @rewbookreviews

Reminder: for fun this month, instead of using my usual ⭐️, I will use the ❤️ to rate the books of this month! Now unto the review…

I must make a confession of sorts, I did struggle while reading this and did my best until I remembered that I already had the audiobook on Audible. I found out quite quickly that listening to this book alongside of keeping up with the words certainly helped me understand it more fully! I could tell who was speaking when, I could hear their words for the way they were intended and it made it go by so much faster. All this to say, I did enjoy this book (at times) and give it 3.5❤️. I do hate to give it a mid-range rating but this reflects my honest feelings. I apologize to those who find this rating offensive!

“It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of good fortune, must be in want of a wife.”

Elizabeth Bennet has no trouble making up her mind about Mr. Darcy. From the moment he enters the ball, he seems stiff, arrogant, and obnoxious. When Elizabeth overhears Darcy’s charming friend Mr. Bingley suggest that he ask her to dance, Darcy’s curt dismissal of the notion confirms her worst expectations. Despite his good looks, superior education, and vast wealth, Darcy is a stuffy, self-important snob and the perfect target for Elizabeth’s well-aimed wit. While nursing her beloved sister Jane on her sickbed, Elizabeth is forced to stay at the Bingley’s elegant rented manor for several days. She discovers the Mr. Bingley is falling deeply in love with Jane, that his sisters will do anything to prevent him from marrying her, and Darcy is every bit as impossible as he first appeared to be. Despite Elizabeth’s negative feelings about Darcy, fate seems determined to keep throwing the mismatched pair together, and Darcy, almost in spite of himself, will make revelations that will end up causing Elizabeth to question everything she believes—not only about him, but about her own good judgement.

I did not expect to struggle so much with the way this book is written but when you think about the simple fact that it was written 210 years ago and written to be more understood in the Georgian/Regency Era…it is hard to read, especially when you aren’t used to such writing. It is more feasible if you’re studying it for school or enjoy challenging yourself to a new level.. Listening to it certainly helped me feel like I understood it better but there were many moments that were exceptionally boring. I guess not having much more background on the novel other than the movie, I was not expecting so much of it to be about the other Bennet girls and their drama. At times, their stories were funny and cute but also I found a couple of the sisters to be annoying. I felt a great connection to Mary, the black sheep as well as Elizabeth because she was very snarky at times. I will say that the moments between Elizabeth and Darcy were my favorite parts, whether it be romantic or bickering!

Again, I do apologize for my lack of excitement for this very popular classic book but I always want to express my honest opinions on books. This to say; I am very glad to check off a book on my Classics Challenge and will not give up trying to read from this list. Any recommendations on ones that are easier or simply less dull at times?