A review by baileys_bookstagram
Eternally Cursed by January Rayne


Hold on I’m just gonna need to step into this cold shower…ahhh ok now I’m ready. THIS.BOOK. Holy Moley it’s spicy. Honestly I don’t think I have yet to read another book with this much spice. It’s pretty epic. Like whew!

Alright moving on this is Anwyll and Ru’s story and what a story it is. You can’t help but immediately fall in love with Anwyll and empathize with his traumatic and tragic life. But for someone to go through all that he has and carry the amount of love in him that he has for everyone important in his life is pretty amazing. Ru is just exactly what Anwyll needs and she adds a really fun and loving element to the book. She completes Anwyll in every way possible, she helps and heals and it’s beautiful.

I love the adventure in the book taking Ru and Anwyll to new worlds and dimensions so that he can attempt to save his brothers life. The addition of every known mythical creature I’ve ever read about is kind of my favourite part. I have read books with werewolves, vampires and fae but now we’re adding in demons, leprechauns, elves, Minotaurs, mermaids, kraken….you name it they’re in it and I’m 100% here for it all. I’m a total sucker for the whole fated mates trope and this series delivers. I can’t wait for the next instalment and to see whose story we’ll get to experience this time.

Eternally Cursed is a great read, I started and couldn’t stop and to me that is the mark of a great book. Januarys’ writing style is smooth and easy to get lost in. Just a warning when I say there’s lots of spice, I’m not joking. So get out your portable fans and grab an ice cold beverage to get you through some of the spicier chapters but don’t worry you’ll LOVE IT!

Thank you so much to January Rayne for an ARC in exchange for an honest review!