A review by thebookberrie
Untamed Vixen by Luna Pierce

This was so embarrassing to read honestly. It goes off about how DARK it is but like... no? It's a very basic mafia reverse harem with little substance. Even their sex was super vanilla and there's nothing wrong with that ofc but the characters kept going on about how BAD and twisted they were only to be the most basic lay ever.

There wasn't even enough smut to justify the horribly cringe writing and the complete lack of chemistry between any of them. The most development she had was with Magnus but Dom was just sex and Coen was ~the one that got away~. All of it was just, he was a boy she was a girl can I make it any more obvious? Like there was no spark, it was just her saying there was SoMEtHiNg AbOuT hIm each time.

I almost threw my kindle down a well when June and her bestie were at the bar talking about mafia reverse harems and breaking the fourth wall like??? Stop it. A lot of inner monologue was like that too, with them repeating shit. Half of the inner monologue could have been deleted, half of the book really because not a damn thing happens besides mediocre sex with two guys. (She doesn't even fuck the third in this.)

Their whole criminal organization is so half assed what was the point? We never know what they even do besides ✨criminal✨ and they kill people but there's also a weird ass council of wives who decide the next leader? What?

I never want to hear the term "ravenous hole" again, thanks.