A review by rosekk
Sovay by Celia Rees


I loved the swashbuckling highwayman stuff, and wished there was more of it. It took a long time for the main character to get interested in the political element, so for a while it felt as though that part of the story was there to be tolerated but not focused on. I also never felt worried about the conspiracy - the villains motivations never interested me enough. Lastly, the romance element played a strong role throughout the book, so the ending (suggesting that the character ends up with someone we only meet at the very end) seemed odd. It made sense for her to go out in the wide world and experiment rather than fall for the first guy she saw, but then all the tension from the rest of the book felt wasted. I wanted the first part of the book, when she's out on her horse running into rogues to be the whole story.