A review by nataliejcase
The Wind Guardian by Frank Scozzari


There is a lot I liked about the story. The characters were well drawn, if a little cliched. The story itself was suspenseful and the plot believable (at least as far as what I "know" about nuclear power plants). The identity of the inside man actually surprised me a bit.

I did have a lot of trouble with the constant switching of the point of view, and the sheer number of points of view in the book was exhausting. There was a lot of "telling" instead of showing, which when combined with the constant shifting of the point of view made it difficult to truly connect to any of the characters enough to actually care about them.

Cameron, as the hero of the piece was inaccessible to me. His flippant attitude, his behavior was more what I'd expect in a teenager than someone who was about to save the world. Grace is more a cardboard cutout than a character. She is attributed all of the cliche's of what passes as a woman, but has no agency, no independent motivation and her blind following of Cameron's clearly poor decision making was very off-putting.