A review by writings_of_a_reader
Grimspace by Ann Aguirre


3 1/2 stars. I liked this one a lot. I don't read a lot of sci-fi and when I do it's usually YA. I don't know what it is but the characters in most adult sci-fi I've read just seem so hard edged and abrasive to me. And the world itself in most sci-fi is already rather stark and cold, being on a spaceship and all. I did like March a lot, his hard edges eventually melted away, but not so much that he became a mushy gushy puppy instead of a man, although he came close once or twice. I liked Jax too, but didn't love her. I think she just lacked some femininity. There was one character that became a favorite that I hope returns in the next book and that was Velith. I was surprised at how much I liked him.

Parts of this book reminded me of different TV shows or movies I've seen, some of which I liked a whole lot. I thought of Han Solo and the Millennial Falcon from Star Wars. I thought of the TV series Firefly. One planet they went to reminded me of the movie Pitch Black. I thought of Star Trek Voyager at one point. These were all positives for the book for me. I've heard comparisons to the game Mass Effect. Although it looks interesting, I have not played that myself but watched others play it a little and I can see the similarities.

One thing I did find annoying was the author had a habit of leaving off the first word of sentences, mainly the word "I". Here are examples of parts of sentences from the book:
"Feel it running down the divots in my spine..."
"Glance across the room and find Dina..."
"Can feel Dina looking at my back..."

I really liked that the book wrapped up quite nicely and would be fine as a standalone read, which is a plus because I won't feel like I'm missing anything if I don't get around to reading the next book in the series, and honestly I haven’t decided if I want to read it.