A review by joy761
Expecting to Die by Lisa Jackson


3.5 stars

I haven't read the rest of this series, but this book features two female homicide detectives, Pescoli and Alvarez. This particular book follows the murder of a teenage girl in the woods of Grizzly Falls, Montana. The daughter of Pescoli, a very pregnant cop, is the one to find the victim's body while being chased by something resembling Bigfoot. The town is soon in an uproar about the possibility of Bigfoot on the loose and then another teenage girl goes missing.

The mystery wasn't particularly riveting, nor was it logical to try and figure out. Nothing quite hung together right. By the end, I majorly strained my muscles suspending so much disbelief. Also, the author's portrayal of teenagers was both unrealistic and insulting to teens. Every teenager in the book appeared to be a cardboard cut-out of a spoiled brat stereotype.

So why the 3.5 stars? Despite the silly premise (and the silly teenagers) the book was fun and moved quickly. But what I enjoyed most was the author's knack for painting a very vivid picture of every scene in this novel. She's so good at quick descriptions that put the reader there, that this book played like a movie in my mind. And I LOVE that. That's why I read.

If you enjoy mysteries, you could do worse than this one if you want a fast, easy read.