A review by kaydanielsromance
Rain by A.L. Woods


WOW! Dark, gritty, raw, and in your face emotional. Rain does not hold back. It is a torrential downpour of trauma, grief, and mental health issues mixed in with some of the hottest bedroom times that all center around an amazing young woman.

Rain is a story that contains a blend of past and present storylines that all weave together to give the reader a clear roadmap to where each character came from, how they ended up where they are at, and where they are headed in the future. Rain is a big book, which can seem daunting, and yet it's needed to braid all three tales together perfectly.

Allegra is certainly the center of the book. Dom and Nate orbit around her and yet Allegra suffers from feeling alone and neglected much of her life. While I went back and forth between both liking and disliking both guys at different points in the story, there was one person I stood hard and fast on never liking; her brother, Terry. Sorry, not sorry.

If you looked at Dom and Nate as two sides of the same coin, where Allegra had to flip it to choose, they both had different qualities that made that choice nearly impossible. Dom is dark, possessive, and believes himself to be a non-redeemable monster. His one concession has pretty much always been Allegra, however, he just doesn't know how to express or even say "I love you," the one thing Allegra wants more than anything. Take away the love aspect, he's been her protector, pretty much her guardian, and been all of her firsts.

Nate is a different side of that same coin. He actually makes Allegra smile, pushes her boundaries, and wants better for her. This is a new development in Nate's life as for the past decade he's only thought of himself and what's in his pants. He too doesn't believe in love, but it's certainly not on a dark level like Dom. Nate is quirky and his internal musings always brought a chuckle out of me. While he just rolled into town and hasn't known Allegra long, there is something that says he wants more time with her, but is it worth risking those pesky things called feelings?

There is a long path to the decisions Allegra has to make and there were times I wanted to jump in and help because clearly this girl needed more guidance than the people living around her. Seriously though, the trigger warnings are no joke. Rain delves into the very deep end of mental illness, domestic abuse, and other topics that could be triggers for some readers. If you just love reading, jump into the storm and enjoy the rain.