A review by readingthroughtheages
11 Birthdays, by Wendy Mass


Imagine living the same day over and over and no one knowing it but yourself.... That's what is happening to Amanda Ellerby on her 11th birthday. She keeps waking up and it's the morning of her 11th birthday, but she already knows how the day is going to turn out - she'll get in a fight with her older sister, her dad will be too sick to help with her birthday party, her mom will lose her job that night, she'll have to try out for the gymnastics team just because her best friend wants her to, and worst of all, she'll have to relive her miserable birthday party where no one really wants to be there because they want to be at her classmate, Leo's, party. And the hardest part of that, Leo used to be her best friend until their 10th birthday party. Could this have something to do with their fight from a year ago?
Fourth graders will enjoy this book and mature 3rd grade readers will, as well. Even though you keep reliving the same day over and over with Amanda, the little discoveries she makes each day keep you going! I like how Amanda learned something about herself each day.