A review by sweetcreature89
Biggest Flirts, by Jennifer Echols


It had been a while since I'd read a YA book so I jumped at the chance to read this one when it became available on Riveted Lit. I'd read oe other book by Jennifer Echols in the past, Going Too Far, and I knew that I loved it so I had high hopes for Biggest Flirts. I'm happy to say that I was not disappointed!

I loved Tia as soon as I began reading. She was spunky and rough around the edges and not your typical YA high school female heroin. She wasn't clumsy or shy or any of those cliche things you normally see in young adult lit. She was loud and flirty and rambunctious. Will, on the other hand, was her opposite. He didn't take crap from any of his peers but he was also kind of shy and wanted a real relationship but also was willing to legitimately put in the work for it. It was great to see a teenage male that was sensitive and shy in a realistic way.

Overall, I really enjoyed the relationship between Will and Tia but also the relationship that Tia had with the other people in her life. I found myself really curious about her father and I loved learning more about her relationships with her sisters and how it affected her current life on a daily basis.

This was truly a great young adult read and I definitely won't hesitate to read more from Jennifer Echols in the future.

Rating: 5 stars