A review by mikewhiteman
Beneath Ceaseless Skies Issue #230 by Charles Payseur, Scott H. Andrews, R.B. Lemberg


A Portrait Of The Desert In Personages Of Power, Pt II - Rose Lemberg *****
Doesn't quite have the emotional impact of the first part but still an excellent piece and a fitting conclusion to the story of the Old Royal and the Raker. The relationship between two incredibly powerful people exploring each other's power and desires, including the power of their consent and rejection, remains fascinating and thoroughly detailed. Lovely writing, some great character moments and the world created is wonderful.

Rivers Run Free - Charles Payseur ****
A group of embodied rivers flee to the sea across a post-apocalyptic world where humans have enslaved them to provide power. Short and sweet, but the creation of the rivers as characters is excellent and the story races to a touching and hopeful conclusion.