A review by becka6131
American Dreamer by Adriana Herrera


I thought this was brilliant. The author created such a vivid, warm cast of characters and a beautiful romance which unfolded at a slow pace. There were several elements which usually annoy me because they can be so ham-fisted - the well-meaning interfering family/friends who push the MCs into taking risks, for example - which I didn't have a problem with here because everyone was just so well drawn and human, it seemed to make sense. I didn't blame Nesto's family for getting involved in his business because like.. that's who they are? It came from a place of love rather than them not seeming to have any concerns outside him, as is sometimes the case in romance.

I was so invested in Nesto's food truck business! He was just working so hard and everyone was behind him, it was very heartwarming to read about. Nesto's love for his family and community shone through in the text and it was lovely to see Jude becoming a part of that. I wondered if the interracial aspect of their relationship would be a source of tension but it isn't; Jude understands that he can't understand everything Nesto goes through, and he doesn't try to barge in and make things about him. The villain herself is all too realistic and recognisable, and I think the author did a good job portraying the kind of microaggressions Nesto experiences as a Latinx person and how he feels like he has to just rise above it because he always has to strive to be better. There's a lot of quite complex stuff in here about what it means to be Latinx - and queer - in the US right now, but it never feels heavy-handed because it's so deftly woven into the story and the characters' interactions.

In terms of the romance, this is really quite a fluffy one - Nesto and Jude are SO sweet together, I was living for the careful development of their relationship. I particularly loved how patient Nesto was at the beginning when Jude was finding it hard to trust. The inevitable fuck up made sense, as did the reconciliation. Thank God it wasn't about somebody's ex, I feel like I've been reading too many of those lately.

I am absolutely dying to read Milo's story in the next book because he is my favourite. Also it's incredible that this is the author's first novel, which I heard on the NNIR podcast - it's one of my favourites of the year.