A review by lynnaeaowens
His Favorites by Kate Walbert


I regret reading this book. There's a huge set-up - a deep dark, premise that is intriguing - yet the actual plot is a complete let down.

That being said, I felt like the actual story was true to real life. The author describes several instances of female characters being abused, violated, let down, etc. in many contexts. The result is sort of a "free association" or train-of-thought retelling of the author's experiences being abused by a teacher. This fits with how we often remember stories, connecting what to others may seem to be irrelevant details or side plots and weaving them into the narrative of our life. Unfortunately, though realistic it did not lead to a compelling read. The plot arcs I cared about were neglected and random anecdotes took up too much space in this short novel. Similarly, the main character is sort of a blank slate - I don't feel like I grew to know her at all throughout the story, and she thus becomes a stand in for any woman. A pretty profound commentary on the abuse of women right? Too bad it is executed so dully that any insights are lost.

2/5 Despite moments of profound insight, overall the plot and writing are dull.