A review by books_over_everything
Booked for Christmas: A Short Story by Lily Menon


Initial Thoughts

I was excited to stumble upon this book. I’m always up for enemies to lovers and I love a holiday rom-com. It also doesn’t hurt that this is a novella and we’re getting close to the end of the year (and my GoodReads goal deadline).

Some Things I Liked

Enemies to lovers. My absolute favorite. What a perfect trope.
Bookish themes. I loved that Sophie was a writer and Wolfe was a book critic. There were so many bookish references and as a book lover / blogger, I loved all of that.
Witty dialogue. Being that both of the main characters are writers, I should have expected nothing less. I loved the banter between the main characters. I actually laughed out loud at several moments.

One Thing I Wasn’t Crazy About

The sign. The ending was just WAAAAY too much. I liked it up until that last scene. Honestly, that was the worst part about the story. So good until the very last scene.

Series Value

We didn’t really get to know the side characters in this story so there’s not much spin off or side story potential here. I think that this could have been a full length novel and if it had been, I think getting to know the other side characters could have yielded more spin off potential.

However, I liked the writing style and comedy so I’d definitely read more of Lily Menon’s writing.

Final Thoughts

This was a fun, quick read. If you’re looking for some last minute books to squeeze into 2021, give this holiday romance a try.


Recommendations for Further Reading

Jingle Wars by R. Holmes and Veronica Eden – if you like enemies to lovers and holiday reads, look no further than this holiday gem.
A Christmas Spark by Cindy Steel – if you liked the snowed in trope as well as enemies to lovers banter, try this holiday novella.